Upcoming Events

September 15, 2024 - pub date, New Vrindaban. Pre-order it. https://fourwaybooks.com/site/new-vrindaban/

September 17, 2024, 7pm EST - online reading and virtual launch with fellow Four Way authors, Norwich Bookstore presents: https://www.norwichbookstore.com/events/42214

September 25, 2024, 7pm EST - official launch of New Vrindaban. Online and in-person reading at Grolier Poetry Book Shop in Cambridge, MA. Readers include Matthew Lippman and DeWitt Henry, with introductions by Nicole Lipson. IN-PERSON SIGN UP: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/c7h6cqp/lp/6bc43d3c-c973-413d-9686-79cf585cc69b and VIRTUAL SIGN UP: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/ccn6ng5/lp/18fa5ba5-097c-479c-a785-09a52fc76fe1

October 9, 2024, 7pm EST - 4x4 reading at Brookline Library, Brookline Village - Hunneman Hall, 361 Washington Street, Brookline https://www.brooklinelibrary.org/events/event/4-x-4-poetry-reading-new-and-recent-collections/

October 10, 2024, 7pm EST - Four Way Books reading at Book Culture, 7pm, 112th Street, Manhattan. https://www.bookculture.com/event/112th-four-way-books-joint-book-release

November 7, 2024, 8pm EST - WANA LIVE! reading and conversation with Writers Association of Northern Appalachia: https://www.facebook.com/WritersAssociationofNorthernAppalachia

TBA: Beginning Poetry Class for Poets House in November or later.

Past Events

I’ll post past events here for easy access.